
Come to think of it, when people ask me, "What's so good about Melbourne?" Well, before when i am in Perth, I guess my answer is food, places, shopping and so on. But suddenly i feel like, that isn't the real reason of coming back to Melbourne right? That is a bad reason.
Feeling of liking Melbourne I think mainly due to family and friends. Without my friends here, coming back to Melbourne is also coming to a death city where you only lock in the house and facing computer. Right? But I think that it is meeting up with old bud making all the food, places and stuff better.



I really hope that this phobia isn't i the only one who got it. deep in my heart... i... HATE EXAM!!!!
EXAM coming means that i couldn't get enough sleep. which also means that i will have 2 weeks of nightmare while i sleep before exam. AND 2 weeks of nightmare during exam. torture!!!!! sigh.... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Alongside with the ray of light,
warm from thee.
Breeze of winter night.
coldness from thee.
Struggling, fighting of endlessness,
for worthlessness.

Alongside with the darkness,
light from thee.
Blue moon with blue roses,
a rare sight.
Can't I be part of a rare?
But sorry I can't be thee.

Smile, laugh, "tears", voices, touches, feelings,
disillusionary in the world.
Disillusionary in thee.
World of hope and happiness,
Nothing but a fairy tail by thee.

inspirations from no whereabout.


AlrightO... post before exam... recently nothing happen except exam exam exam, study study study... well, i still remember the crap that all uni-student told me when i was in college.. "college only, cheh, close my eye also can get well. enjoy college life... bla bla bla..." and at that moment, i reply "cheh, uni only, pass only ok already, so easy what to worry~~~ in college still need to get high mark to get into uni.." for now, i officially take back my word... i think all EX- college student will agree with me..