Come to think of it, when people ask me, "What's so good about Melbourne?" Well, before when i am in Perth, I guess my answer is food, places, shopping and so on. But suddenly i feel like, that isn't the real reason of coming back to Melbourne right? That is a bad reason.
Feeling of liking Melbourne I think mainly due to family and friends. Without my friends here, coming back to Melbourne is also coming to a death city where you only lock in the house and facing computer. Right? But I think that it is meeting up with old bud making all the food, places and stuff better.
I really hope that this phobia isn't i the only one who got it. deep in my heart... i... HATE EXAM!!!!
EXAM coming means that i couldn't get enough sleep. which also means that i will have 2 weeks of nightmare while i sleep before exam. AND 2 weeks of nightmare during exam. torture!!!!! sigh.... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
warm from thee.
Breeze of winter night.
coldness from thee.
Struggling, fighting of endlessness,
for worthlessness.
Alongside with the darkness,
light from thee.
Blue moon with blue roses,
a rare sight.
Can't I be part of a rare?
But sorry I can't be thee.
Smile, laugh, "tears", voices, touches, feelings,
disillusionary in the world.
Disillusionary in thee.
World of hope and happiness,
Nothing but a fairy tail by thee.
AlrightO... post before exam... recently nothing happen except exam exam exam, study study study... well, i still remember the crap that all uni-student told me when i was in college.. "college only, cheh, close my eye also can get well. enjoy college life... bla bla bla..." and at that moment, i reply "cheh, uni only, pass only ok already, so easy what to worry~~~ in college still need to get high mark to get into uni.." for now, i officially take back my word... i think all EX- college student will agree with me..